Prophetic Evangelism Class

October 1, 2018

Understanding the ways God speaks to us is an important part of Discipleship, and training others in their God-given gifts and talents is part of what we have been called to do in Honduras.  In September, JTTN Missionaries had the wonderful opportunity to share with many congregants from a local Episcopal assembly in Coxen Hole, Roatan about ‘Hearing the Voice of God and Biblical Dream Interpretation.’  Classes were held weekly for at least two hours each night and were given over a three-week span of time.  We started with worship and prayer and closed each night with prayer as it helped to quickly knit our hearts on this special subject and open up overall understanding of the class content.

Throughout the duration of our time with this particular class, they learned about dream symbols, had actual props during the second class for their examples, and participated by telling us what those props could mean in order to understand symbols in their dreams. They also kept a notebook and pen close by their bed-side to write out their dreams while they were fresh in their minds. They were quick to learn and were participatory; they were a joy to be with and teach.

During the last night of class, after they had split up into 5 small groups for discussion about their dreams, we discovered quite a few prophetic dreamers as we sat with them and listened to their descriptions. One man in particular, with a pastoral call on his life that he thought was over, was encouraged by Joy to not stop pursuing that; callings are never over unless God says they are over.  We are each excited to see people walk in their callings and fulfill the destinies that are God-picked for their lives.

Closing that last night of class, the pastors and JTTN missionaries were all interpreting dreams in one large group as more examples were given for the whole class about their meanings. We left them with on-line resources (which are unfortunately limited in Spanish) as well as the printed class materials provided by JTTN.  It was a great experience overall and we feel privileged to have had this time with these sweet people and will be following with their pastors in several weeks to see how everything is going for them and their congregants. Appreciated so much was your prayer and support as we prepared for taught these classes!

Acts 2:16-17 “But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.'”

Printing materials for these classes/students like their handouts, study guides, and other important course materials is part of the cost of ministry and your generous gifts given into this project will be applied 100%.  Please consider a donation of any amount today.  Click the “Donate” button and check the box for Discipleship. Follow the giving prompts and may God bless you abundantly for your support!

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